The commercial real estate industry is constantly changing and before you know it the knowledge you have of the market can be completely outdated and unhelpful when it comes to making educated business decisions. To help keep you up-to-date with the latest trends in commercial real estate we’ve looked to our friends at for their insight on the current trends in this ever changing industry. was able to get an exclusive look at commercial real estate data and trends from law firm Akerkman LLP. Akerman’s ninth annual US Real Estate Sector Report has brought us some insight on the 6 top trends among the leading commercial real estate leaders.
1. Multi-family Takeover:
The most active real estate sector this year according to 63% of Akerman respondents is multi-family. Whereas in 2017, 43% of commercial real estate leaders thought single-family homebuilding would outperform multi-family development.
2. Taxes & Technology:
Split almost equally, reports show that the two major factors commercial real estate leaders claim will define the trajectory of the U.S. real estate market is the latest tax reform and the evolution of technology.
3. Job Growth:
66% of executives surveyed believe that the strong growth of jobs will bring opportunities to real estate.
4. Interest Rates:
46% of Akerman respondents fear that rising interest rates could affect commercial real estate momentum.
5. Foreign Capital:
Foreign investors continue to aggressively pursuit commercial real estate in the United States. Data shows that a vast majority of foreign investments can be attributed to Europe and Latin America.
6. Financing:
According respondents, the top sources of real estate equity and debt come from private equity (57%) and banks (48%).
To learn more about the top 6 trends in commercial real estate visit,