Multi-Family Amenities Evolving with Technology

There are a number of new and innovative technologies that are hitting the multi-family property market. These new and improved gadgets are changing the way multi-family residents live their everyday lives; not necessarily by creating brand new technologies but taking old systems and applying a completely new spin on them. Allowing multi-family properties and its residents the ability to adapt their living arrangements to this new and evolving world that is technology.

These new internet-enabled smart technologies that are springing up within the multi-family market are allowing residents the ability to control their residences remotely, but unfortunately in the past it hasn’t given residents much control other than the ability to control a simple digital thermostat. But this has all begun to change, as new companies are finding ways to connect new technologies with the equipment that residents have been using for years and still continue to use today.

Take the intercom systems at the entrance of most multi-family properties, which provides a sense of security and protection to the buildings residents. New technologies today are incorporating this intercom concept to create a new experience for residents. Companies like Doorport are providing multi-family properties the ability to improve their existing intercom system by replacing the old panel of doorbell buttons with a touchscreen panel. This new touchscreen panel allows delivery personal and guests to prompt who they are and what apartment they are visiting. A camera then records a short video of the visitor, the system will then immediately notify the resident by sending a notification to their smartphone. The resident can then respond to the visitor and let them in. The resident’s smartphone essentially becomes their building’s intercom system, one in which is much more accessible to you and other tenants.

Another technology that is sure to improve the lives of residents and better yet their ability to easily request the maintenance of their properties would have to be TRAVTUS’ new digital property manager, “Adam.” “Adam,”  a voice-recognition technology similar to Amazon’s “Alexa,” allows residents the ability to complete those basic interactions like requests for repairs with their property management personal. “Adam” routes all requests to the people who will follow through with the repairs removing the middleman of seeking out the property manager and filling out all forms for a simple maintenance request. “Adam” allows property managers the ability to juggle more than one resident and their needs at a time.

Now these are just a few of the many new innovative ideas and technologies that are helping the commercial real estate market and its properties provide a better functioning and living environment for its owners and its residents.

To learn more about all the great new technologies that are making their way into the CRE industry, check out NREI Online’s article, “How the Amenities Multifamily Properties Offer are Evolving with Technology.”